Sunday, December 24, 2006

It is said that what distinguish humans from animals is their ability to think logically and take decisions in the best manner possible. Human intelligence concentrated on solving something can achieve exceptional results provided they are not distracted. But look around. Can you see a situation where people can concentrate on anything without distraction?

What is the most valuable thing on the surface of earth? A nuclear bomb, political career, power, diamonds, money?................... Did I hear someone say “human life”?

The most valuable thing on earth is definitely HUMAN LIFE. Those who do not understand the value of this engage in activities like killing people for religious believes or for any reason.

I am not an expert on any religion including my own. So I am not in for any arguments with anyone about why all these activities do not make any sense to me. But we really need to think about few things. Who is behind all these, who gains by keeping people divided and distracted?

What will happen if everyone cares about everyone else in this world?

Rich nations will cut down their spending on military and arms and spend that money to eradicate poverty in the rest of the world, everyone can look for work everywhere, resources available at one country can be made available to everyone, countries can pool their resources for common research and space travel, earth will be sending a mission to moon or mars not by Russia or USA. Collective efforts are most effective than individual effort.

A lot more is possible, you can really write a fat book on it but that is not the aim of this blog.

What we really need to understand is violence is generally the direct result of suppression. It is important to understand the emotions of people who engage in violence. The point I am trying to make is that is LOVE and UNDERSTANDING solves more issues than that you can solve by bombs and suppression. The right to live and let other’s live is the most important “MANTHRA” here.

Every time you hear someone die because of such violence, think about the parents who will miss their sons and daughters, think about the sons and daughters who will miss their father or mother, think about the husband who will miss his wife and vice versa, think about the brother who will never see his sister again and vice versa.

This is probably my misunderstanding or the correct understanding, I am not sure. I don’t hear much about violence due to an external factor in European Union especially Sweden, Singapore, Bhutan and many such countries except for some internal outbursts in the recent past. Why some countries are less affected when some other countries are most affected? Does it have anything to do with the attitude of people in those countries? It is important that people in some countries realize that there is a world outside the border with people with feelings. What you feel towards your mother, father, wife, husband, son, and daughter are not much different from what they feel towards theirs. It is also important for some religion to be more tolerant in their beliefs. The most stupid belief in this world will be to think that you can kill someone and change the way rest of the world will think.

It is Christmas and a New Year. Are we strong enough to make a NEW YEAR RESOLUTION not to engage in any activities that disrupts normal human life, not to harm anyone and contribute your little bit to make this world a peaceful place? Let us love each other, respect human life and ensure that directly or indirectly we don’t encourage or help any form of antisocial behavior.

Share your thoughts........